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Loving the changes! Combat works, tutorial tells me how to do stuff, it's really working! Loving the writing and odd world. Some of the music is really cool as well. Attack sprites communicate attacks well.

I do have some less positive feedback though. 

  • Invetory just kind of disappears sometimes during combat, or after using an item.
  • Most enemies don't really have a clear attack animation
  • Dialogue seems to require a mouse click to advance, but nothing indicates that that's something you need to do. Would be cool to get a prompt or something like that.
  • Would prefer health bars in combat to list health/maxhealth rather than percentage, which is already communicated by the bar.
  • Animations are very stiff

Keep up the good work!!

Hey  great work sofar on the demo! Though I am 100% stuck on the first pink Squirrel fight. I see I have a fireball and can select it, but I'm not sure how to target it at the enemy. Some control popups or even text in the corner that outlines what to do or what the controls are would be really helpful!

(1 edit) (+1)

I appreciate the kind words! Combat was definitely a mess in that build and was really 2 halves of separate implementations. It's in a much better spot in the build uploaded tonight and has some labeling to give you direction in what to do and when. Thanks for checking out the build and I hope you follow along as development continues!

Awesome, I'll give it a try!